Lauren Rivera Jahnke, MPAff


Over 20 years of experience in writing, health policy analysis, research, copy editing, formatting, and consulting. Areas of interest and expertise include health care policy, health disparities, health insurance, public health, and research and policy analysis in various fields. Very detail-oriented and deadline-oriented. Let us know how we can help on your next project!

Master of Public Affairs (MPAff)
LBJ School of Public Affairs, The University of Texas at Austin (GPA 4.0) (courses taken)

Public Health Certificate
Completed five graduate classes to earn Public Health Certificate, School of Public Health, The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (GPA 4.0) (courses taken)

Bachelor of Arts in Biology, Minor in Chemistry
College of Natural Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin

Selected Training Classes from Past Few Years
     PowerPoint for Scientists and Medical Writers

     How to Talk about Medicine Online in Plain Language
     Regulatory Affairs and Medical Writing
     Project Management for Writers and Editors
     Flipping the Script on Health Literacy
  Writing for the Web: Letting Go of the Words
     Microsoft Word Master Class

Writing for Web and Mobile
     Overview of the New AMA Manual of Style, 11th Edition

Selected Organizations, Honors, Volunteer Work
     Current Member, American Medical Writers Association

     Certified Application Counselor (volunteer marketplace health insurance enroller) for one year, Foundation Communities (2017)
     Board Member, Austin Food for Life (2013-2017)
     James W. McGrew Research Award for Practitioner Research of the Year, from the Centex Chapter of the American Society for Public Administration, for co-authored report “The Economic Impact of Cancer in Texas; Part I: Direct and Indirect Costs, 1998”
     Lyndon Baines Johnson Foundation Award for Academic Excellence
     Society for Technical Communication (two years)
     American Mensa, Lonestar Chapter (one year)